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This is a game changer for anyone who is ready to level up from rushing around at what seems like 1,000 miles an hour, trying to do it all, working your ar$e off doing what it takes to be successful, but somehow wondering what it is you have to do to get to the next level…
What we’re about to share with you isn’t something we cranked out in an afternoon to make a quick groat!. That’s not what we do.
Running a business is far from easy. We know this to be true from running our own businesses for the past 30+ years.
During that time we’ve worked with literally 1,000’s of owner managed businesses, often couples in business in all manner of trades and professions and we’ve witnessed the joy when it works and the tears when it doesn’t…
Running a business is hard work and sometimes you know it’s just a bit too hard, your business is not quite where it should be and it’s stressful.
It comes with worries and sometimes it just overwhelms you with the endless "to-do-list”, and what seems like the never ending fight with a few customers who just want to keep cutting your prices and the odd staff member who for starters you’d just like it if they showed up on time and did the actual work you asked of them!
You'll recognise some or all of this to be true because, you'll be experiencing those stupid fights, bickering with your spouse and loved ones, struggling with relationships, your energy and mood will be low sometimes and just maybe alcohol is becoming just too much of a predictable nightly habit of a self soothing option and escape!
You might be wondering why you’ve ended up like this?
So often the dream of being an entrepreneur is to build something where you don't have to work so hard, where you have more choices in life, to be free, right?
See, you do the things the way you do them mostly because that’s the way everyone else around you is doing them.
And you don’t know what you don’t know because no one ever taught you any different.
We’re here to tell you we can fix all this for you.
But it is going to take work, it’s not going to fix itself, and it’s rarely fixed quickly…
Let’s jump in and show you what we’ve created to help make this whole process a whole lot easier for you and let’s do this quickly!
Using the content from our brand new book:
“Rock Solid Growth 2.0 - How to Grow Your Business Without the Stress, Overwhelm and Worry” we are also giving you the most amazing FREE gift ever...
In this easy process, we’ll take you deep into the core of what every business needs to do to build something sustainable, something that can be solid and grows with or without you, during boom times or tough times, giving you, if you do the work - more money, more choice and more time.
It starts with a simple 1 page 10 step scorecard - Each of these 10 elements is core to every business and just like a finely tuned machine, if one component part is not performing in line with all the other key parts, the knock on effect is damaging to the performance of the whole machine.
And during the programme we’ll dive deep into the effect of how these must be in harmony, sharing with you the exact same process we share with all our clients to help them grow their businesses.
This is dramatically different from anything you’ve ever seen before, because what we have created is more of a Blueprint for you.
A step by step, paint by numbers model you can literally copy what we do for our clients and implement it straight into your business.
Right before we begin, you need to know which rock you are standing on right now.
What got you here, what has worked and what hasn’t?
None of us can decide which way to go unless we first know where we are now, and this starts the process to lay down some firm foundations to build the path of where your business needs to go next.
Defining what we want, what our outcome is becomes more important as you grow your business than many realise.
A lot has changed since those early honeymoon days of starting your business, you have a few battle scars, bumps and bruises and now you are looking to step up to the next level and capitalise on your efforts…
In which case, what does that look like?
In this module we’ll help you uncover the key element to ignite your enthusiasm and give you the energy for your next exciting chapter.
Here we cut to the core of why you are in business, your numbers!
Most people who are scared of the numbers or who find the process boring simply don’t understand them.
Fear comes from lack of knowledge.
If you are in business to make money, doesn’t it make sense to get good at the numbers bit?
We’ll explore what profit means to you?
And we’ll show you what you often have already right under your nose, but are simply unaware of.
With the continual evolution of technology, we constantly witness new clients who simply are unaware of the amazing opportunities technology presents to all of us.
Systems run businesses, people run systems…
Using the simple 80:20 law, we’ll share how we used this simple technique to find and adapt ways to run our business in a fraction of the time needed and how we continually help our clients achieve similar results.
Get 80% done in 20% of the time, giving you that precious time you alway feel is missing in your life.
Success is something you attract by the person you become.
Your income is directly related to your philosophy, not the economy.
Your philosophy has to change.
In this module, we’ll go deep into what so many entrepreneurs struggle with, the fears that hold many back, the unnecessary worry and show you what you can do right now to fix this.
Our aim is to give you the complete “how to” blueprint of the critical elements to ensure you have a Rock Solid business that can grow no matter what the world economy throws at us.
We’ll show you, when you are missing an element or not paying enough attention to them, how this holds you back and is the root cause of most of the worry, stress and overwhelm business owners feel.
We’ll show you how to make sure you keep them all in check and how to take what we share and use it long into the future for continual sustainable growth
"People with goals succeed because they know where they're going.": Earl Nightingale, In lesson #1 We’ll help you set meaningful measurable goals that excite you, electrify you and create new energy.
We’ll unearth what's really holding you back, [clue:] it's what holds everyone back and it’s not about the skill to be successful!
If you know what you want and what’s stopping you from getting it, that’s half the battle, we’ll know what we need to do next to fix it, right?
We’ll help you identify simple key numbers to measure and help you clearly understand the most important part of the puzzle that will unlock everything that’s stopping you from growing your business.
The number one reason you find it hard to make sales consistently at the right price and the reason you are constantly forced to discount and scared to charge more for your products and services and the #1 reason why you sometimes don’t enjoy your business. [clue: sh!tty customers!]
To change some things in your life, you need to change somethings in your life, we’ll show you the proven methods many of our clients have used to make significant change, we’ll even share the websites and links to what's working and provide links to even more advanced trainings.
There is one simple metric that every business owner needs to increase and create a method to make this a priority to grow, crack this and you will never be poor… ever!
We’ll even share the links to the advanced training we use personally…
How to do more of what works, and why better allows you to increase profits without losing customers, how to become world-class and dominate the competition.
Busy entrepreneurs don’t have time to crunch the data, but with the right knowledge and key ingredients we’ll show you how you can quickly build confidence in your results, so you can repeat again and again.
The secret behind sustainable long term business growth, easier to run, less stressful and leaves you more time to look after yourself and your family.
To build a strong successful business and live a happy successful life, you need to work on you!
Here we’ll help you up your game and show you methods to become a better you.
Why should you listen to us, or anyone else for that matter?
Because if we are honest with ourselves, we all need help from time to time.
We all get in our own way, we all struggle sometimes seeing the metaphorical wood for the trees
You know yourself, when someone reaches out to you for help, sometimes you have the experience and to you, the solution is obvious, right?
You see a 6 they see a 9, but they can’t see it and more importantly, don’t know how to get started fixing whatever “it” is!
But, with some help and guidance, what we would call coaching and mentoring - we know confidently from years of experience and doing just this, helping business owners just like you get rid of the stress, the overwhelm and the worry, build better stronger more sustainable businesses, using the exact blueprint we share in this programme.
It’s often because we are not so emotionally attached, we can be more objective and because this is what we do for a business and have been for many, many years, and we have a proven track record
Here's what just a a few who’ve worked with us have said:
“They are both excellent at identifying areas where we need to improve and making sure that we address these rather than shy away from them.”
“If you’re a stressed, overwhelmed business owner, following Kev and Vicki’s system and advice will change the way you operate in your business.”
“You will not find any better value and repository for knowledge out there”
"You'll find the Method they use to be painfully simple, yet devastatingly effective"
“Kev and Vicki have been truly instrumental and crucial to the continuing growth of our business”
“I’d urge anyone who longs for a successful, rewarding life but is struggling with stress and overwhelm to do this”
We also started out like many, floundering around listening to our peers, friends, bloke down the road and built something, it was okay, we did alright, but everything was a bit messy behind the scenes, when it worked it was brilliant, but when it didn’t all hell broke loose and the pressure, the stress and the worry sometimes became too much…
So we know how you feel right now, with the pressure of the economy, the constant barrage of inbound communication streams, the difficulty with team members and all while trying to look after your family, home and enjoy some time to yourself
You just have to decide if it's US that can help YOU…
Kev Whitehouse
Mentor, Author, Accountant
Vicki La Bouchardiere
Executive Coach, Author
First, open the book "Rock Solid Growth 2.0" (link here if you haven't got it) then find the 100% FREE Gift Code...
Hit the "Let's do This" button and create an account
Then, use the code to gain full access to the content
Implement some stuff!
Ask questions?
Lather, rinse repeat!
You get instant access to the private members area, with full access to the masterclasses with Kev and Vicki delivered in a style so you don’t get overwhelmed.
You get access to the Q&A section, where you can ask as many questions as you need during our time together.
This part alone we’re sure you’d agree is worth at least 10 times the £1,800 Gift Code
You can download and use the simple workbooks again and again.
We strongly recommend you look carefully at the workbooks as they contain links to other amazing resources.
And if you haven't seen it already, a copy of the book and audio “Rock Solid Growth 2.0” including the additional masterclasses on page 87.
We know there is work to do, but we don’t want this to be overwhelming, so we take a short sharp approach and deliver everything you need in 28 days.
We know from time to time life throws us the odd curveball and scuppers our plans, and that’s why you can have lifetime access to the content to revisit as often as you wish and never miss out.
You just need to decide to join us...
No worries, the core modules can be studied over 28 days with plenty of time in between to implement, but remember you have lifetime access, you can access the masterclasses and workbooks anytime, and we'll remind you from time to time in our daily emails.
This is a complete DIY service.
We of course do help people with the implementation, and hold them accountability, that's in one of our core programmes or if you become a client - All the details are inside the private members area in Module #4
Yes, inside the workbooks we share some real examples and link you to one client's website to see instantly the impact.
We also run quarterly live events for our clients and you are welcome to join us to meet with them and ask them, all the details are inside.
Yep, inside the private members area you'll see a Q&A section, a simple form to ask your questions, we do this so you have access 24/7 - we’ll then collect them up and give our full and very best replies.
Our goal is to help you create your own Action Plan, once you have done that, implement it!
If we help you create and improve your life, leave a comment to say it really helped and that’s it!
But, running a business requires consistent effort, you simply go through the process again and again getting better each time.
If we've demonstrated enough to you that our coaching, mentoring and maybe some accounting works...
... then, access to us personally is obviously where we charge for our time.
All the details on how to join us can be found inside (don’t forget to grab the book and Gift Code worth £1,800 to gain access.)
Coaching and mentoring is subjective, what we say or teach isn’t new!!
The internet is full of free podcasts, videos and articles you can read and research, the libraries are full of books with the answers we are all looking for! What we do is save you time, by delivering the best proven answers to the same problems and challenges we’ve solved for hundreds if not thousands of clients before you.
Errrrrrr...... NO!!!
Seriously, this really is genuine coaching and mentoring delivered digitally with access to unlimited questions and although it is worth 10’s of thousands, you are getting it 100% FREE, if you use the Gift code which we have notionally said is worth £1,800 - it's inside the book.
This could be life changing information, so long as you do your bit and take action.
Somewhere you have to take a leap of faith and trust you’ve found someone who can genuinely help you.
The demand for our 1:1 services far exceeds our obvious ability to supply hence why we have put this together to help those we can't serve today.
PS - If you are the sort of person looking to hedge your bets with a refund every time you work with world-class coaches, mentors and accountants, then we probably aren’t the right people to help you… just sayin'!! ;-)